Statistics on PanorOmics (ver. 2020_05)

Tumors - Patients
Lung adenocarcinoma 1,199
Acute myeloid leukemia 1,134
Lung squamous cell carcinoma 744
Colorectal adenocarcinoma 2,434
Ependymoma 57
Non-hodking lymphoma 3,190
Mesothelioma 162
Bladder cancer 767
Renal clear cell carcinoma 1,343
Breast adenocarcinoma 2,515
Prostate adenocarcinoma 1,401
Non small cell lung cancer 1,943
Stomach adenocarcinoma 793
Cervix squamous cancer 308
High-grade Glioma 1,201
Nasopharyngeal cancer 278
Small-cell lung cancer 388
Endometrial cancer 606
Renal papillary cell carcinoma 320
Osteosarcoma 112
Lower grade glioma 1,095
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 303
Sarcoma 886
Ewing's sarcoma 235
Thyroid adenocarcinoma 1,018
Neuroblastoma 692
Skin basal cell carcinoma 126
Adrenocortical carcinoma 71
Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma 60
Ovary cancer 767
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia 1,050
Multiple myeloma 73
Medulloblastoma 514
Cholangiocarcinoma 668
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia 948
Glioblastoma 1,068
Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma 114
Wilms tumor 291
Male germ cell tumor 77
Any Tumor Type 36,195
Mutations (in total) 19,801,769
Mutations in reference proteome 10,987,888
Mutations with structural annotation 4,216,868
  - Surface mutations 3,490,739
  - Buried mutations 728,236
  - Interface mutations 665,319
Proteins in the human proteome 20,596
Proteins affected by somatic mutations 19,120
Mutated proteins with structural data 12,852
  - Mutated proteins with complete structures 2,449
  - Mutated proteins with complete models 3,029
  - Mutated proteins with partial struct/models 7,374
Mutated proteins w/o structural data 6,268
Mutated proteins in the interactome 15,592
Mut. proteins with struct. data in the interactome 11,231
Proteins affected by interaction mutations 7,353
Interactions in the human binary interactome 136,329
Interactions affected by somatic mutations 15,690
Interactions with structural data 15,984
  - Interactions with exp. structures 8,359
  - Interactions with global models 5,311
  - Interactions with domain-domain models 2,314
Interactions w/o structural data 120,345

The data in the current version of PanorOmics is based on the contents of the following databases:

Database Version
UniprotKB 2020_05
Pfam 32.0
3did 2020_05
BINDTranslation 1.0
BioGRID 4.2.192
DIP 05/02/2017
HPRD 041310
Database Version
InnateDB 27/10/2015
IntAct 30/01/2020
IntOGen 2020.02.01
ChEMBL v28
UCSC Dec. 2013 (GRCh38/hg38)
PDB 2020_05